Smart Social Start-up Project

The 36-month long project funded by European Social Fund was addressed to women and disadvantaged persons from various regions of Romania, which included the following activities:

  • Social entrepreneurship training for 101 persons.
  • 21 out 101 were selected for financing in order to establish social enterprises.
  • 10 out of 21 new social enterprises were created in rural areas of the country.
  • The creation of a National Observatory in the Field of Social Economy and periodical gathering of data from the sector in order to promote the social and economic impact of social enterprises.
  • The creation of an interactive map of social enterprises.
  • Supporting social enterprises to become members of platforms of businesses / NGOs / cooperatives.
  • Supporting social enterprises to attend networking events, conferences, fairs, business missions, etc.
  • Training social enterprises in listing products and services on different online commerce platforms.
  • Supporting the extroversion and the exporting capacity of the established social enterprises.
  • Business counselling for accessing alternative sources of financing: European projects, bank loans, crowdfunding, Business Angels, and others.
  • Develop advocacy activities for improving the legislation in the field and for creating a framework favourable for the development and sustainability of the social enterprises created through the project.
