Start Qualification: A new beginning for NEETS

The general objective of the project was to improve the situation of NEETs aged between 16-29 years, from the South West Oltenia development region, with an emphasis on those coming from rural areas and belonging to the Roma minority.

To achieve the general objective, the project actions included professional training and employability and entrepreneurship promotion. Through the implementation of the project, the sustainable integration in the labor market of disadvantaged young people was significantly promoted. In the long term, the project generated a positive effect, in the sense of increasing the quality of the workforce and the degree of employment in the labor market of young NEETs.

More specifically, the project contributed to:

  • Upskilling 378 young NEETs though their participation in employability and entrepreneurship promotion training programs; the beneficiaries who were interested in entrepreneurship received subsidies of 100.000 lei for setting up a business
  • Creating new job positions, including through self-employment and apprenticeship or internship programs for 163 project participants.
